Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I have never been a big fan of snapping to get someone's attention. I think it's kind of degrading and mean. The other day, while watching Sabrina's soccer game, there was a mom there and I nearly pulled a muscle as I jerked my head at her snapping. I don't even know if it was just the snap or her in general. Maybe it was the way she was loudly chatting with another mom and not paying attention to her kid. Or maybe it was when she finally did pay attention to her kid, she snapped at him with her tipped nails and yelled at him to get in the game. I wonder if she thought she was being supportive and encouraging her son to play properly. Obviously, she didn't see the dozen talented, professional soccer players on the field who were coaching the kids. Nah, what could they possibly lend to this situation? I wanted to go over to Snappy Sally and remind her that a) it's a game; b) these kids are 4 and 5 years old; and c) embarrassing your kid in front of his peers is no way to get him to do what you want. I'm sure little Tyson or Branson or whatever his name was just wanted to watch for a bit before he jumped in and showed his soccer skills. He seemed to be doing fine standing next to the boy that was rolling around in the grass and watching the airplanes fly by. And where was his mom? Why wasn't she snapping? I've gotta tell you - there is really no situation in life where it is acceptable to snap or clap or whistle at another human being to get their attention. Unless you're a construction worker and there's a hot chick walking by (no, I'm kidding, not even then!)

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