Monday, September 13, 2010

What matters most

Everyone thinks their kids are the best, right? This weekend, my daughter showed me what a wonderful person she is and it just warmed my heart. During her soccer game, all the kids were running around and chasing the ball and a little boy got knocked down. Well, Sabrina stopped running and went back and helped him up. So, at the end of the game, we were giving high fives and I told her how great she played and that it was awesome that her team won and she said "and I helped that boy up, Mom." Of everything that she could have been proud of at that moment, she chose the most important thing - that she stopped what she was doing to help someone else. Yesterday, we were at a carnival with some friends and the kids were enjoying the rides and having fun. Sabrina played a water pistol game with one of her friends and the other girl won. Of course, you'd expect a child to pout or be disappointed or cry. But, my little girl turned to her friend and said "Good job! Congratulations!" and held out her hand for a shake. I was speechless. Sometimes, I think I expect the worst from children. I expect them to not remember the lessons they've learned and act out of character. But then they go and do something like that and it just astounds me. I love that my kids continue to practice the love and good behavior they are learning at home and in school and at church. I hope they keep it up. And I hope I stop expecting the bad behavior. That wonderful kindness that my little girl displays should be no surprise at all.

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