Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Age limit

I would like to know the big difference between a 5-year-old and a 6-year-old. Yes, I know they're in a different grade and they have physical and emotional changes, and on and on. But I want to know why the price of admission to a venue or event is different if a kid is 5 or 6. I guess there has to be some type of limitation but my wallet is crying right now. I'm booking a weekend getaway and the price is a whole lot different in September than it is in August. The reason? My youngest is turning 6 on August 18. Six means no longer free. Six means $30 tickets instead of $15. Six means a lot when it comes to ticket prices. I know it's my fault. I should have planned to cram all the fun times in before mid-August, but it just didn't work out that way. And before you even suggest it, I won't lie and say my kid is still 5 to get the reduced rate. I've never been able to do that. Because I just know one day I'd be trying to get into the amusement park with a ticket for a three-year-old and she'd be all loud saying "I not 3 mama. I four!" I don't mind paying the money for her to have a great summer getaway. I just wonder if the higher cost means more fun!!!!

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