Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Making a Mess

Sure, I'm used to my kids making a mess. Half the time, it looks like they just dump things on the floor and walk away. Other times, I don't even know where the stuff is coming from! It's like the toys and the junk mated and gave birth to more crap! But, here's the thing that I hate more than anything when it comes to my kids making a mess - paper. Why is it that these children need to use my paper? They take it from the computer printer, put a line on it and they're done. There's no possibility of writing on the other side - that would be crazy. My oldest loves paper. She really loves to cut paper. I think it's her hobby. If not, she secretly enjoys cutting it up because she knows it drives me insane!!! So, tonight she decides to make some snowflakes. Now, if finding little bits of paper on the floor drives me crazy, how do you think I was feeling during the snowflake project? I don't have OCD or anything, but tiny scraps of paper all over the floor are just annoying, right? Or is it just me? Guess I should be glad she wasn't using glitter too!

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