Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Falling Apart

So, I've been coming unglued for quite a while, right? It's getting worse. On top of the Brownies troop and the PTA board, I've got to find a job. And it might have to be full time! I know, I know, a lot of you working moms are saying "Big deal!" But, the idea of finding a job that pays a decent wage means I've got to commute pretty far. That will mean day care. Not looking forward to putting my little one somewhere. And, does that mean she has to quit nursery school? Or will I find someone who will drop her off and pick her up. Just feels like my life is unraveling right now. It's not falling apart just yet. It's just coming undone a little bit at a time and if I act fast, maybe I can keep it all together!

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