Monday, October 4, 2010


I need to finally accept the fact that I am NOT a morning person. Never was. Never will be. My oldest daughter doesn't understand that and does everything in her power to change me. It's not that cute little way someone will creep up to you and gently rouse you. It's WAKE UP! and turn on the light and annoying me until I finally roll out of bed and try to greet the day. Then she wakes up the younger one and that is when the place gets crazy. All of a sudden it's TV and talking and toys and where is this and what time is it and can you find my clothes and can you brush my hair and I'm hungry and I'm thirsty and do I have to brush my teeth and, well, you get the picture right? The older one waits until the last minute to do everything and then, when she gets manic about it, the little one starts needing help with something or other. So, then they're fighting and wanting ten different things at once and demanding and, well, just driving me absolutely crazy. It's only 7:30, I protest. Can't you just chill out for a few minutes? If you just relax, everything will get done. Don't worry. But, then they get the wrong idea about chillin'. They chill hard and then don't want to do anything at all. They want to lounge and watch TV and then, two minutes before the bus comes down the street, they're scrambling to get shoes and pants and fresh breath. Meanwhile, I'm wishing it was still dark out and I could climb back under the covers. Remember, the early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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