Monday, November 8, 2010

Raising a moral child

One of the most important things we can teach our kids is to have morals and virtues. But, here is the kicker. We can't keep nagging them and reminding them to do the right thing. We've got to put it in their hearts so that they know to do the right thing and they do it even if they think no one is looking. It doesn't really count if you have to tell your child to give up his toy. That way, he's doing it because you told him to not because he thinks he should. If a child makes the good decision on his own, that means you have instilled that value in him. As our world continues to deteriorate, it's more important than ever to teach our children the right way to be. They've got to go to church. They've got to see us being good wives and husbands. They've got to see us making good choices in politicians. They've got to know that the reason we don't let them listen to pop radio is because the music on there is provactive and filled with sexual innuendo. And the reason they can't watch certain television shows is because it's really not comedy when a child is sassy and rude and talks back to adults and calls other people a 'nub'. Seriously, we can't keep letting our kids dance like Beyonce because "it's so cute when she does it". It's not cute. What is wrong with our society? We keep blaming all the problems of the world on everyone else but refuse to take any responsibility. There is nothing wrong with saying NO to your child. Sure, maybe they will throw a tantrum when you won't let them watch the particular show or listen to the song or buy the shirt. But that's okay. It's okay for a child to be disappointed or upset. We need to shape our children to be a joy to others. We need to have communities where it's okay to tell a kid that they are exhibiting bad behavior and not give in to every whim because we are afraid of litiginous parents who criticize and complain and fly off the handle. It's not an easy process. It takes time and patience and diligence. And it is a process. Baby steps.


  1. Hello there,

    I just noticed, I have the same last name as you. My name Cassidy Consavage, and we could be related! My dad's grandfather, Michael Consavage, came over from Poland in about 1901/1902. Please reply, this would be cool if we WERE related :]

