Monday, November 1, 2010

Changing minds

Isn't there a saying that a woman has a right to change her mind? Should that rule apply to girls? And, if so, how often should they be allowed to change their minds? For Halloween, my oldest daughter wanted to be a crayon. Well, not just a crayon. She wanted to be a purple crayon inside a box of crayons. I remember her planning it with my sister. I remember them talking about it and even drawing a picture of what it should look like. I don't remember my sister or my darling child asking me to make the costume - I think they just assumed. So, the night before her class party, I told my child that if I made the costume, she would have to wear it. Yes, I waited until the night before to make the costume and I'm glad I did. Because as soon as she realized the cumbersome outfit she would have to wear, she said she would just be a crayon. Forget the box. Great. Less work for me. So, then she wanted purple face paint. Sure, why not. She brought the paint to school, put it on, realized how uncomfortable it was after about five minutes and then it was gone. Later that night, it was another Halloween party. Guess what? She didn't want to wear the crayon anymore. I think she had on some halloween-y type tights or something. The next day, there was no dressing up. It's embarrassing, she said. By Halloween, the crayon was sitting by the front door - all alone with no kid to wear it. She decided no more crayon. Now she was on to wearing a blond wig. She had on capri pants and legwarmers. Somehow, she turned into a rock star. She was a rock star last year too. I actually like that costume. It's easy. I don't have to buy anything. We can just fashion it out of stuff we have at home. I wish she would just get to that conclusion sooner. I realize we have to let our children make mistakes so they can learn from them. I realize they have to learn how to make good decisions. Next year, though, I hope those decisions don't come an hour before trick or treating begins!

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