Sunday, January 30, 2011


My first day being 40, I swear I got an email from some lawyer asking if my replaced hip was sore and giving me problems. Really? I found four gray hairs and I'm sure there are plenty more. I turned the TV on to a commercial about bladder control. I think someone is playing tricks on me. I'm not old. 40 is not old. But, do you remember being a kid and thinking that 40 was ancient? Do you ever remember thinking that your parents were young? That they were vibrant, fun-loving people who had social lives and did great things? Probably not. You just thought of them as parents. My mom was 26 when I was born so she was 40 when I was 14. I did not think of my single mom as a lady who could date or have a drink or play tennis or have fun. I just thought of her as a woman who wore curlers to bed and liked to knit scarves and blankets. It makes me think what my kids think of me. Granted, I don't wear curlers or knit, but I do like to read in bed and fancy a nice cup of tea every night. Oh, man, I'm my mother. They look at me now like I looked at her then. Yikes. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with getting older. I'm embracing my age. I don't want to be one of those moms that shares clothes with my daughter and hangs out with her and her friends. I guess I'm just in a weird place. I'm not what I used to be and I'm not where I'm going to be. So, I'm going to celebrate my life so that my life will be something to celebrate!

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