Thursday, February 4, 2010


I was just talking to BFFMG about the differences in our children. When our oldest kids were infants, we went crazy childproofing everything. Outlets, stove, dressers, cabinets - anything and everything. And those firstborns never touched a thing. But, I guess it's better to be safe than sorry. The second-born kids are a completely different story! The minute my youngest could crawl, she went straight for an outlet. She tried to open the oven and the bathroom cabinet and into the tub. Anywhere she wasn't supposed to be (like the steps) was where you could always find her! So, now we're at today. It's been a little trying over the past couple days, what with her writing on the walls and the windowsill and her clothes and the furniture. But today was one of those days when the child did something all moms freak out about. There were scissors involved. Then I noticed a few too many strands of hair on her shirt. And the minute it registered and she saw the look of horror on my face, she immediately began sobbing and threw herself into my arms in a weepy apology. Thank the Lord she only cut off about 3 inches. It could have been worse. She could have cut it near the roots and there would be a big problem. As it is, she'll end up with a chin bob, which she seems excited about. I feel so bad because she told me her teacher said (I'm sure not in a harmful way) that her hair was getting too long and she should get it cut. Now, my precious girl wants me to cut her hair. No, I told her, when someone tells you to cut your hair, they don't mean for you to actually cut it. They mean go to a professional. Professional? Yeah, sure, not to a four-year-old. Actually, the more I look at it, the more I see that she did a pretty good job. Maybe I'll book an appointment with her.

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