Sunday, February 28, 2010

Snow Days

Holy Snow, Batman! Talk about a storm. School was let out two hours early on Tuesday and then there was no school at all on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. It was so nice of the school district to call at 5 a.m. on Friday to let us know there was no school too! I mean, I think I could have figured it out when I looked at the window and saw more than a foot of the white stuff on my car. Yes, we got about two feet of snow. And we were without power from Thursday night to Sunday evening. It was wonderful (not at all). I tried to make the best of it. My oldest was going through television withdrawal. She didn't know what to do with herself. It was then that I explained to her that kids a hundred years ago didn't have television. We talked about people who lived without electricity and indoor plumbing (yikes!) I don't think she really got the message. I don't think kids believe their parents when they tell stories about "the old days". I don't even need six degree of separation to find someone who once used an outhouse or slept in a cold-water flat or shared a bed with their brothers. So, a day or two without TV wouldn't kill her, right? Right. It wouldn't kill her - it would kill me! Thankfully, the iPod had a very strong battery and that helped a little bit. And let me tell you how happy I was to get the phone call tonight that tomorrow is a regular full day of school!

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