Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Growing Up

I bought Sabrina a new party dress for cousin Kim’s baby shower this weekend. Of course, she had to wear it the minute it came out of the bag. As I was zipping up the back, I asked Sabrina to hold up her hair. When she did, I just wanted to cry. She used to try to hold up her hair and most of it would just fall right back down. When did this little girl learn how to do that without me helping her? As I zipped up the dress, I swear I could picture her in a wedding gown. I just did a two-decade fast forward and my heart just about broke. I know I did this with Caty too. She’ll be 7 on Sunday and wants to text and be cool and tells me I know nothng about style and fashion. She’s been a teenager since birth. Sabrina is different. She’s my second and my last. When I watch her sleep, I just want to hug her and snuggle and never let go. Every time I open the fridge, I look at pictures of my friend’s little girl when she was born. I remember holding her and letting her fall asleep on my chest because it was the only way the colicky baby wouldn’t cry. Now, she’s got bangs and a little flip hairdo and she loves shoes and purses. Yes, I’m getting emotional watching my little girls grow up. Everyone is right who tells you “It goes by so fast!” It does. It’s too fast. But, I can’t freeze time so I’ll have to keep stealing glances when I can and hugging as long as they’ll let me.

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