Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Liar, liar pants on fire!

I cannot tell a lie! Well, I would like to, but my 7-year-old daughter just won't let me. You know when you read and you leave out chunks of a story because you're just too tired or bored? Well, when kids learn to read, you can no longer do that. Before, they didn't know any better. Now, you're screwed! And you can no longer tell little fibs to your younger kids to spare their feelings. When the fish is floating at the top of the tank, the little ones will believe he's just sleeping. Older kids love to tell their younger siblings "He's not sleeping! He's dead!!!!" When her tooth fell out while Caty was sleeping, she figured she had swallowed it. My sister said maybe the tooth fairy found and took it back to her lab to verify its authenticity. A younger child just might fall for that one. Not my girl. "Nah, I swallowed it," replied Caty. "Mom, can you check my poop to look for it?" Well, I could or I could just go get the other one that I saved and tell her the tooth fairy really did find it.

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