Monday, April 27, 2009


I'm sure everyone has a list of things they wish had been invented to make their lives easier. When we were driving home from Yonkers this weekend, I came up with two that really need to be installed in every car made. A pull-out board underneath a child's seat so that their legs aren't just dangling in nowhere land. I know they have some type of product you can buy that will accomplish this, but it would just be easier if it was built into the car. Oh, and my number one thing for a new car? Between-the-seats junk catchers! Why oh why do they make the space between car seats so darn small? Either make the space big enough for a human hand to reach the crayon the toddler just dropped or have no space at all! Who's making these cars anyway? Guys, yeah, I know. Isn't it always a guy?

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