Monday, June 14, 2010

The best laid plans

What makes kids think that what they are doing could possibly be a good idea? Before they start something, do they ever stop to think that they might be making a mistake or that something might not work out the way they want? Usually, as adults, we're not so impulsive. We consider the risks and the possible outcomes before we do something crazy. Sometimes, a bad outcome isn't enough to make us reconsider. Like, the thrill of jumping out of the airplane outweighs the slight chance that the parachute won't open and we will plummet to our death. But, at least we've thought about that possibility. Do kids do that? Do they think "I might fall out of this tree and break my arm, so maybe I shouldn't climb so high." I notice that my children do a lot of goofy things and then apologize for them. I remember hearing an adult once say "If you were sorry, you wouldn't have done it in the first place." And I've even noticed myself saying that I would rather they not say sorry. I would rather they do the right thing in the first place. When I say that, I'm usually talking about something minor - like don't spray the bathroom walls while you're in the shower instead of apologizing when I find the sopping wet ceiling and floor. Little things like that. It makes me wonder if it's just a trait of children to be impulsive or it it means my kids will make rash decisions when they get older. I guess I'd rather deal with it now then when they're teenagers. I'd rather them not be impulsive when it comes to drugs, alcohol, sex - you know, the bad stuff that we give in to. How many times have you thought back to the dumb decisions you made as a teen and wished you had the chance to do it over again? I guess they have to make their own mistakes.

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