Friday, June 18, 2010

Miley's in the dog house

What is it with famous people? Why do these guys and girls get a little bit of fame and then go a little bit nuts? Maybe they were just nuts to begin with and the fame brought it out in the open. I don't know, but I do know I am sick of trying to shield myself and my children from tasteless, untalented, vulgar people on television, magazines - well, just everywhere you look. Miley Cyrus is just the latest in a long line of women who have fallen into this downward spiral. She is the new Britney Spears. I watched a bit this morning where Cyrus appeared live a New York City park signing for thousands of fans. Many of those fans were little girls. Their parents let them skip school and come to see their apparent idol. They could have saved the train fare and went to a peep show. It was bad enough that she was dressed like a person ready to do a pole dance, but her actions on that stage are almost like she is trying more than she should to degrade herself. During the first line of the song, one of the male dancers put his hand on her breast and she pushed it away. Then, she put her hand on her vagina. WHAT IS THAT? I didn't even hear the words of the song - just a part where she says to "go to hell". Wait a minute. This nation nearly blew a clot rushing to chastise Janet Jackson for showing a boob during the Super Bowl (a "family" event) and here is some teenager getting felt up at 8 in the morning on a news program in front of kindergartners! Where is the outrage? I am hard pressed to find something suitable enough for my kids to watch on TV - all the shows these days portray parents as either absent or absent-minded and that just doesn't work for me. I don't think I'm above any of these people and won't judge their morals, but I do have to say the actions I saw today were extremely disappointing (if not nauseating) and I have to draw a line. There are still some decent shows and actors/singers that it is okay for my kids to look at I realize that it's a huge burden to ask someone who isn't even 20 to be a role model for a generation of children. But, if it wasn't for these kids, Miley would still be Destiny, strumming a guitar on her front porch. They made her and I hope their parents agree that this type of public display is unacceptable for their children! So, young Miley/Hannah is okay in my house. That girl was wholesome and sweet and listened to her daddy. The new Miley/Hannah is no longer welcome here.

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