Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Spring cleaning

What is it about spring that makes us want to clean? I get that whole idea of opening up the windows and letting the breeze come on in and clear out the stuffiness of winter. But wasn't that something people did in the 1800s? I mean, in the days when people would cover the furniture in their summer home with white sheets when it wasn't in use? Isn't that how it all started? Well, I'm saying that's how it started and I think that should be where it stays! I just dropped a bunch of stuff off at the dump and goodwill in the past two days and I'm sure there's a ton more that can go too. I'm no hoarder, but I think I just have too much crap. I just hate throwing stuff away. I mean, I paid good money for that - why shouldn't I keep it? And those things that I haven't used in a year? I know that I will use them some day right? And then there are those things that I might just need one day. I will need it and then I won't have it because I threw it away during spring cleaning. Do I just sound lazy? Maybe I am. How about this - since the weather has taken an odd turn and it's been in the 50s and 60s the past couple of days, I'm going to say it's still winter and put off the rest of the spring cleaning until next year!

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