Friday, February 6, 2009

The Beginning

When blogging first became the rage, I didn't get the point. I didn't think I'd be interested in what other people have to say. Boy, was I wrong. I always thought I had all the answers, but as my kids and my marriage (and I) get older, I realize all I have are questions. I call the blog Mom Unglued because that is what I am. Glue is what holds things together. My life is being held in place by a broken paper clip, a piece of electrical tape, and some spit. I am all over the place. I'm wearing too many hats - some of them I don't even like - and need to find some hooks to hang them on. So, if you're like me - finding that listening to other people helps you realize you're not alone - please continue to visit.


  1. Welcome to the addicting world of blogging! Check out this link:

  2. I have started a few blogs, as I always have liked to write. However, I have become aware that I am a "feeling" blogger. I usually only blog when something is wrong. Have been thinking lately about starting one up. Guess that says alot huh? Thanks for the link...I'll add you to my bookmarks!

